9th Circuit panel finds a constitutional right to openly carry a gun, distinguishes en banc decision

The Seven Main Causes for Divorce is an article written by Jen Glantz can be found at the following link:

Man Who Violated Judge’s Order on Facebook Sent to Jail
A Florida man who was warned by a judge to stop harassing his ex-wife was sent to jail for criminal contempt after liking a post on Facebook, the Tampa Bay Times reports. Pasco Circuit Court Judge Lauralee Westine ordered that Timothy Weiner and his ex-wife must both refrain from disparaging or threatening each other on social media. A photo of the ex-wife soon ended up on a Facebook page called “Mothers who abuse kids,” which Weiner then “liked.” Weiner was sent to jail for 60 days, although the judge later amended her ruling to time served and he was released.

A Wellness Tip from the Attorney Well-Being Committee
Positive psychologists have also found that smiling evokes positive emotions in the person who smiles, as well as those who see the smiling face. Whenever the situation is appropriate, be aware of your surroundings and try making eye contact with people nearby and smile. In addition, smiling can help you convey a positive attitude and reasonableness, even during difficult telephone conversations that could otherwise become unpleasant or even confrontational.